Tuesday 12 July 2011

My Top Ten Films of 2007

Since 2007, at the end of every calendar year, I've made a list of my top ten films from that year. I basically did it for my own amusement to keep a record of what films I loved at that time. I was looking through them again the other day and thought I would share these lists with you over the coming days and weeks. I will also add a few lines about why I enjoyed the film, etc.

So obviously we begin with 2007.

As a quick note, I am by no means a massive cinephile so there are tonnes of films that pass by me every year. These lists have also not been amended later on either. So there will be films I didn't see during the actual calendar year that were not included at the time.

This list is also my true, honest opinion; I'm by no means trying to make some pretentious list full of critically-approved masterpieces. As evidenced by my #10 film...


Two words: Guilty pleasure. 

 Fred Claus for me is an enjoyable Christmas flick, one that I enjoy viewing every December. I'm not really a Vince Vaughn fan (other than Swingers), but the film has a solid supporting cast around him that provide some funny moments. Also it has the usual Christmas schmaltzy message that I totally fall for.


Not a lot I can add about Juno, since it was THE breakout of 2007. It's number nine of my list because I don't think it's quite as amazing as some people make out; that being said it's still a very funny, sweet film, with a fantastic indie cast. It also proves that Michael Cera is best when playing a supporting character rather than the lead.

3:10 to Yuma

Or 'Batman vs. Maximus', as I like to call it. 

I love Westerns and there are simply not enough being made in the 21st century. This is a very good remake of the 1957 original. Christian Bale and Russell Crowe are brilliant in their respective roles and if you liked the Coen's True Grit remake, you should definitely check this out.


I've already spoke a little about this film here.

This is a very solid action film. Yes it was cheesy, yes the dialogue was nonsense, but at least the plot actually made a bit of sense! I've spoke way too much about Transformers recently but I enjoyed this film back then and I still enjoy it now, regardless of what I think of Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon.


Before anyone starts sniggering, may I remind you that this was based on a Neil Gaiman novel and was directed by Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass/X-Men: First Class). 

So yeah, shut it at the back.

Again, I enjoyed this film. Sure it had problems, but I went into this film not knowing anything about it and came out pleasantly surprised. A very solid cast and a very solid fantasy flick.


This film should be higher.

When I first saw Ratatouille, I liked it and thought it was very good, but it didn't immediately strike that fire with me that most Pixar films do. 

However, I watched this film again at the beginning of the year and fell in love with it. It's visually beautiful, with a fantastic story and that Pixar tone of humour we've all fell in love with. A classic.


My favourite in the trilogy by far. 

It was the best action film of the year by miles. Some of the fights scenes were immense, some of stunts were brilliant. It wrapped up the story perfectly. The series as a whole inspired a new Bond and the new 'realistic' tone most thrillers have started to take (Taken, sort of). 

A great send-off to a consistantly quality trilogy.


I loved this film. 

I have no qualms in admitting that at all. I went in with no expectations and came out with a genuine smile on my face. 

Sure it's for kids, but there was enough self-referential humour and great performances that you forgot all that. I am admittedly a sucker for Disney films and this hit all the right notes for me. It had great songs, an interesting twist on the fairytale story, and wonderful performances by Amy Adams and James Marsden.


It was the sleeper hit of the summer and with good reason: It's brilliant.

Judd Apatow's second film after The 40-Year-Old-Virgin hits a realistic tone whilst at the same time keeping in the laughs. 

Looking back now it's not my favourite film within the Apatow brand (I think Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I Love You, Man and Bridesmaids are all better, funnier films), but it was the best comedy in 2007 and still one of the smartest to this day.


To me, Zodiac is still David Fincher's best movie. 

Whilst The Social Network surpassed expectations, and Se7en is still one of the best psychological thrillers of all time, Zodiac hits all the right spots for me.

Not only is it a thriller set amongst a historical backdrop, it is also a character study. I knew little of the 'Zodiac' killer going into this movie, but coming out all I wanted to do was learn more.

The acting is superb; Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey, Jr. all give terrific performances. 

Some may find this film boring or slow paced, after all it doesn't have an action scene every five minutes and has quite a long running time of 157 minutes. But if you give it time and a chance, you'll find a truly wonderful mystery-thriller, the type not seen much in Hollywood anymore.

My favourite film of 2007.

By ChoccyR with No comments


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