Tuesday 5 July 2011

Press Start


That's probaby what you're thinking right now isn't it?

Your brow is probably furrowed, you may even be scratching your head. You've seen the name of the blog, then you've read the About section, and now your trying to connect the dots. But you have absolutely no idea why a personal blog that focuses primarily on "entertainment" is called The Pearl Station.

Well let me enlighten you.

Naming things is hard. That's what i've discovered. I had two previous blogs back in 2007 and 2008 for a university module. Thinking back I don't remember having so much trouble naming them. Maybe that's because I didn't really care? Who knows. Either way i've spent the last few weeks struggling to come up with a name for this blog. The theme? Piece of cake. The look? Well that only took four hours. But the name, the bloody name, I just couldn't think of.

Eventually I started thinking of a word that would describe this blog. I came up with 'observation'. After all it's a fitting word to describe this blog. As previously stated, this is an entertainment blog. A place I can discuss movies, games, books, TV and whatever pops into my noggin. Entertainment with a personal twist.

With that in mind I started doing what I do best: aimlessly clicking on internet links to go from one location and ending up somewhere I didn't need to be. I call it 'Wikipedia syndrome'. I'll Wikipedia something random like Lionel Messi for example. Half an hour later i'll be reading the filmography of Josh Lucas. Just by clicking and clicking.

So by doing that, and with observation being on the mind. I eventually ended up on Lostpedia. The wiki for TVs Lost. There I found a list of Dharma stations. One of them was called The Pearl. It was the observation station, the one with all the TV monitors.

Name solved.

I am aware i'm a massive geek.


So there we have it, first post in the bag. Before I end this I need to apologise in advance for all grammatical errors in this post and all subsequent entries. Commas are my bane and semi-colons are my nemesis.

Also over the next few days there may be some tweaks here and there on the site. That's me fiddling as i'm never satisfied.

I will get the post count rolling though as tomorrow I shall post a retrospective review of Pokemon Black & White I wrote back in April, and a review of Due Date I did in February. I'm publishing them here because they need a home, as they're sitting on my desktop unread, as I wrote them as a bit of writing practise. They'll probably be a bit more formal in tone than most of my others reviews i'll be doing in the future, partly because I want this to be a casual affair. With occasional rage.

In the meantime, take a look around.

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I'd really appreciate it!

By ChoccyR with No comments


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