Saturday 16 July 2011

Web Showcase: Epic Rap Battles of History

One thing that I've been pretty passionate about for a while is web series and web creativity. I'd comfortably say I view around 12 hours or more of web series every week. I watch eight different shows on, I watch pretty much everything the Yogscast produce every day. I'll occasionally see what TotalBiscuit, SeaNanners and Red Letter Media have to offer.

Add to that things like The Guild and Red vs. Blue and you can see that it's something I'm very keen on.

These are just the shows I watch regularly and that are pretty well known. There are probably dozens more shows of equal quality out there, but they are struggling to break through the proverbial glass ceiling. The main problem is that YouTube (where a lot of, if not all, these originated from) is both a blessing and a curse. 

It's fantastic that there is a site like it on the internet where people can upload their creative ideas, whether it's a song, sketch, cartoon or series. However, a lot of the time it takes a great deal of self-promotion, word-of-mouth and luck to break out. This is because to find a real gem on YouTube, you have to wade through endless cat videos and nonsense guff.

So I shall occasionally try and point readers of this blog into the direction of something that is worth their time. 

This week it's Epic Rap Battles of History.

Now this series is by no means underground. In fact the most popular video they've produced so far has 24 million hits. But it isn't extremely well known and I think it deserves some more attention.

Epic Rap Battles of History are just as it says; a series of rap battles between real historical figures and fictional characters. They are created, made and produced by Nice Peter and Lloyd Ahlquist. So far they have done 11 battles and they've ranged from good to genius. 

Now I understand that comedy rap battles, even those including real people and characters, aren't anything new or groundbreaking. But these videos are so well made, from the costumes, to the rhymes and the production that they deserve to be successful.

I shall embed some of my favourite videos below for your convenience. But if you like the looks of them, and want to see them all, including future videos, they will be posted here. If you REALLY REALLY like them and have money (unlike me), you can purchase all the songs on iTunes here.


Darth Vader vs Hitler- Epic Rap Battles of History 2 


Abe Lincoln vs Chuck Norris- Epic Rap Battles of History 3


Hulk Hogan & Macho Man vs Kim Jong-il - Epic Rap Battles of History 5


Einstein vs Stephen Hawking -Epic Rap Battles of History 7


Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin- Epic Rap Battles of History 10


Gandalf vs Dumbledore- Epic Rap Battles of History 11


By ChoccyR with 1 comment


Loving the Gandalf vs Dumbledore epic rap battle! It is by far the best one!

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